



1949年 静岡市に生まれる

1968年 静岡県立静岡高校卒業

1972年 武蔵野音楽大学作曲科卒業

1974年 ニューヨーク州イーストマン音楽院大学院卒業

1975年「Antiques」 (ハワードハンソン賞、USA)

1976年 カリフォルニア州 南カリフォルニア大学修了

⚫︎「Prelude and Fuga」 ( PAS作曲賞、USA)

⚫︎オフブロードウェイミュージカル「Jacques brel is alive and well and living in Paris」(アメリカ, ロスアンジェルス、音楽監督兼 ピアニスト)

1977年 より武蔵野音楽大学にて教鞭をとる

1980年 作編曲家としてキャリアをスタートする


1992年 「ターンブルマーチ」で朝日作曲賞を受賞(1993年全日本吹奏楽コンクールの課題曲になる)

2005年 陸上自衛隊中央音楽隊の部外講師に就任と同時に吹奏楽の作曲を手掛けるようになる

2007年 教授に就任

2021年 名誉教授に就任







  静岡のレコード屋の次男に生まれる。周りに音楽家はいなかったがなんとなく常に当時の流行歌やクラッシックやジャズなどいろいろな音楽が流れている環境で育った。ピアノのレッスンは少し受けるが野球やスポーツの誘惑に負け挫折。高校の時友人宅でたまたま聞いたジャズ(Oscar Peterson) と近代のオーケストラ曲(特にストラヴィンスキーの「ペトルーシュカ」)に魅せられて突然音楽家になる夢を見始める。それからしばらくピアノ三昧の日々を送り武蔵野音楽大学に入る。学生時代は学校半分、夜の街半分の生活を送り卒業と同時に夜の街で稼いだ金を持ってアメリカに。





Born to the second son of a record shop in Shizuoka. I didn't have any musicians around me, but somehow I grew up in an environment where various music such as popular songs, classical music and jazz at that time were always playing. I took a few piano lessons but lost the temptation of baseball and sports and is frustrated. When I was in high school, I happened to hear jazz(Oscar Peterson) and modern orchestral pieces (especially, Stravinsky's "Petrushka") at friend's house and suddenly began to dream of becoming a musician. After that, I spent many hours playing the piano and entered Musasino Academia Music in Tokyo. When I was a student, I lived half a school and half a night city, and at the same time I graduated, he went to America with the money I earned in the night city.

While attending American music college, I gained various experiences as a shuttle bus driver, a piano accompaniment for voice training, and a music director and pianist for musicals. After returning to Japan, I helped a record company with the introduction of a friend I met at a pop-con sponsored by the Yamaha Music Foundation, who had a part-time job when I was a student, and started my career as a composer and arranger. I also begins to work as a composition teacher at my alma mater.

The first TV program (Ojamanga Yamada-kun) " song of Ojamamusi " became a hot topic, and the range of activities gradually expanded. After that, the TV animations "Urusei Yatsura", "Ultraman Great", and "Muscle man (Kinnikuman)" and "Galaxy Hero Legend". meanwhile I started writing wind ensemble music through experience of such TV shows (actually, since I used a lot of brass instruments in the composition of Kinnikuman and Ultraman, Great.(I wanted to try myself in a new field). As a result, "Turnbull March" which I attended as the theme piece of the wind ensemble competition and also led to various pieces commissioned by the Ground Self-Defense Force, as an outside lecturer.

In additionI have sent many graduates as a teacher of the composition department of my alma mater, the graduates range from junior high school, high school and vocational school teachers to game music composers and music producers, as well as composers and arrangers of various media. I have composed many school songs, company songs, music for various events, etc. (such as "Yozakura Ranbu" and "National Cultural Festival, "Imayou hizakurige" sponsored by Shizuoka City) From this background, I work as a composer, arranger and producer in field of very wide range of music from classical music to jazz, soundtracks, anime songs, and children's songs.